

Opera in 3 Acts, 1901 - Music Antonin Dvorak – Libretto Jaroslav Kvapil
Opéra Grand Avignon (October 13,15, 2023), Opéra National de Bordeaux (November 8,10,12, 2023), Opéra de Nice Côte d’Azur (January 26, 28, 30, 2024).

« Insensitive watery power, you’ve dragged me back down into the deep…» - Rusalka, Act 3

Musical direction, Benjamin Pionnier (Avignon), Domingo Hindoyan (Bordeaux), Elena Schwarz (Nice)
Staging, Set & Costume design, Jean-Philippe Clarac & Olivier Deloeuil
Collaboration to scenic design, Christophe Pitoiset
Artistic collaboration, Lodie Kardouss
Lighting design, Rick Martin
Video, Pascal Boudet & Timothée Buisson
Graphic design, Julien Roques
Dramaturgy, Luc Bourrousse

Cristina Pasaroiu, Vanessa Goikoetxea (Rusalka), Misha Didyk, Tomislav Muzek, Amadi Lagha (Le Prince), Irina Stopina, Camille Schnoor (La Princesse étrangère), Votjek Smilek, Vazgen Gazaryan (Vodnik), Cornelia Oncioiu, Eugénie Joneau (Jezibaba), Mathilde Lemaire, Clara Guillon (Première nymphe), Marie Kalinine, Julie Goussot (Deuxième nymphe), Marie Karall, Valentine Lemercier (Troisième nymphe), Clémence Poussin, Coline Dutilleul (Le marmiton), Fabrice Alibert (Le garde forestier, la voix d’un chasseur).

Opéra Grand Avignon, Opéra de Nice Côte d’Azur, Opéra de Marseille, Opéra de Toulon, Région SUD Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur


From Andersen's frail Little Mermaid to Dvořák's romantic Rusalka, from Ester Williams’ Hollywood nautical fantasies to today's cruel world of synchronized swimming, it has never been easy, for a young girl, to build her femininity painlessly all around the swimming pools. And, in Dvořák's opera as in the locker rooms of our modern swimming pools, one can truly speak of an injunction to femininity. The pressure exerted on teenage girls, in the 19th century and still today, remains constant and archetypal. Totally immersed in the world of synchronized swimming, our staging traces the difficult birth of femininity of a fragile young girl, seen in its most moving, but also most cruel, light.