La Sonnambula

La Sonnambula

Opera semiseria in 2 Acts, 1831 - Music Vincenzo Bellini – Libretto Felice Romani
Teatro dell’Opera di Roma (April 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 2024)

« Pur nel sonno il mio cor ti vedrà …» - Amina, Elvino, Act 1

Musical direction, Francesco Lanzillotta
Staging, Set & Costume design, Jean-Philippe Clarac & Olivier Deloeuil
Collaboration to scenic design, Lighting, Christophe Pitoiset
Video director, Pascal Boudet - Editing, Timothée Buisson
Graphic design, Julien Roques
Dramaturgy, Luc Bourrousse

Lisette Oropesa / Ruth Iniesta (Amina), John Osborn / Marco Ciaponi (Elvino) / Roberto Tagliavini / Manuel Fuentes (Rodolfo) / Francesca Benitez (Lisa ) / Mattia Rossi (Alessio)

Teatro dell’Opera di Roma - New Production


Nowadays, in a big European city. Throughout the night before her wedding, a future spouse is gripped by anguish. Even before the music starts, a video presents her, wandering nervously through the city, and ending up falling asleep in her elegant hotel room. Throughout the opera, a constant dialogue connects the videos and the theatrical action performed on stage. During an enigmatic artistic performance, dreams, nightmares, hallucinations and mental obsessions constantly mingle… The coherence of daily life and the irrationality of sleep progress simultaneously, so that the famous sleepwalking episodes of the opera are no longer isolated events. They become one of the many theatrical actions, surrounded by all the poetic images that crowd into the heroine's psyche.